Call for Demos

This call for demos is available in PDF format.

CMMR 2010 invites proposal for demonstration. The goal of the demonstration sessions is to allow members of the computer music community an opportunity to demonstrate working systems. This environment allows conference participants to view demonstrations firsthand in a manner not possible in a technical talk or poster session. CMMR2010 provides a leading international forum to bring together researchers, companies, educators, composers, performers, and others with an interest in important aspects of computer music, music technologies and music-based entertainment. Proposals for demonstrations are requested from anyone in the computer music community: researchers, academic institutions, research labs, industry, composers, performers, etc.

This field is also very interesting from an economic point of view. People invert quite a lot of money, time and resources in music-based entertainment. Submissions are encouraged in all areas related to computer music. In particular, we encourage demo submissions on:

All submissions will be peer-reviewed to ensure quality and suitability. Please, submit a 2-page or less demo proposal in the format specified on the CMMR 2010 website, following the instruction detailed at Proposal should include the demonstration title, list of authors and a text regarding the demonstration focusing on innovation and research.

The participants are required to provide their own computing equipment and any additional network, display, sensor, etc. hardware needed for the demonstration.

Participants of accepted proposals are required to be registered for the conference by the author registration deadline.

The deadline for the submission is April 22nd 2010 April 29nd 2010. The demo proposal acceptance announcement will be April 30th 2010 May 5th, 2010.

For aditional information regarding the demonstration sessions, please contact one of the demonstration chairs: Isabel Barbancho (, Lorenzo J. Tardon ( or Ana M. Barbancho (