Papers, Posters, Panels and Demo Sessions should be submitted online at the CMMR2010 submission page. The template required for formatting is available here (Word) (Latex).
All submission documents should be formatted using one of the templates that are provided here. All documents should be submitted in PDF format. Submissions will be peer-reviewed by an international committee. Submission implies that at least one of the contributors agrees to register and attend the conference. Registrants may present more than one submission as long as they have contributed to each. The conference registration fee must be paid prior to the deadline in 2010 for the submission to be included in the Conference Proceedings.
Type of contributions:
- Full papers: Full papers are written and oral presentations of work that makes a substantial contribution to the field. Submissions may be 7-20 pages including images and references.
- Short papers: Short papers are written and oral presentations of work that makes an important contribution to the field. Submissions may be 3-5 pages including images and references.
- Posters: Posters are for discussing work-in-progress. Submissions may be up to 4 pages including images and references. Posters should be presented on a single A0 size sheet during the poster session.
- Panels: A panel is an hour-long topical discussion between 1-5 experts with differing viewpoints on a difficult or controversial subject. Panel proposals should be up to 4 pages including title, description, and brief biographies of the presenters.
- Demo: A demo is an event of up to 1 hour duration that may be staged for a moving audience. Proposals should be up to 4 pages including title, description including a statement of relevance addressing the CMMR Topics listed above, and brief biographies of the presenters.